Las Vegas Child Visitation Attorney
Working with Parents & Relatives To Get Visitation Time
When parents separate or divorce, determining child visitation can become one of the most challenging aspects of the process.
Ensuring that both parents maintain a meaningful relationship with their child, while addressing logistical and legal concerns, is crucial. At Leavitt Law Firm, we understand the complexities involved in child visitation cases and are committed to helping families find fair and workable solutions.
Call Leavitt Law Firm today at (702) 996-6052 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our child visitation attorneys in Las Vegas!

Do Fathers Have Rights in Nevada?
Yes, fathers have rights in Nevada as this is considered a father state. To exercise a father's legal rights, the child's father must officially establish paternity. Each parent in Nevada has the right to legal custody of their child unless proven unfit.
What is Child Visitation?
Visitation, also known as parenting time, refers to an agreement that is made between a separating couple. Visitation specifically determines how many times per month a non-custodial parent, a grandparent or other interested party can visit a child. This aims to ensure that the child's best interests are met while keeping significant connections with both parents or other family members.
Typically, visitation orders are combined with a parenting plan. A parenting plan is the written form of a mutually agreed upon visitation schedule between parents.
If you need assistance with establishing visitation, a Las Vegas family law attorney from Leavitt Law Firm is here to help! We know that you want to protect your child and we know how important it is to you to have access to your child for as long and as often as possible.
What Are The Types Of Visitation Orders In Las Vegas?
Different types of visitation orders can include:
- Grandparents' Rights to Visitation: Refers to the rights of grandparents to visit their grandchildren, which can be granted under specific circumstances where it is in the best interest of the child.
- Unsupervised Visitation: Allows a parent to spend time with their child without any third-party supervision. This type of visitation is typically granted when both parents agree on the terms and when there are no safety concerns.
- Supervised Visitation: Requires that a third party be present during the visitation to monitor the interactions between the parent and child. The supervisor can be a professional or a trusted friend or family member.
What Factors Does The Court Consider When Determining Visitation Rights?
The court considers several factors, including:
- Child’s Best Interests: Emotional and psychological well-being, as well as physical health.
- Parenting Ability: Each parent’s ability to provide a stable and safe environment.
- Parent-Child Relationship: The existing relationship between the child and each parent.
- Living Arrangements: Proximity of each parent's home to the child’s school and activities.
- Parental Cooperation: Willingness and ability of each parent to cooperate and communicate effectively.
Commonly Asked Questions
Can Visitation Schedules Be Modified?
Yes, visitation schedules can be modified if there are significant changes in circumstances. This could include changes in a parent’s work schedule, relocation, health issues, or other factors affecting the child’s best interests. To modify a visitation order, you typically need to file a petition with the court and demonstrate why the changes are necessary.
What If The Other Parent Does Not Follow The Visitation Order?
If the other parent does not follow the visitation order, you can:
- Document the Violations: Keep a record of missed visitations or non-compliance.
- Seek Mediation: Attempt to resolve the issue through mediation or direct communication.
- File a Motion with the Court: Request enforcement of the visitation order or seek a modification if the non-compliance is significant.
Can Grandparents Or Other Relatives Seek Visitation Rights?
Yes, in some cases, grandparents or other relatives can seek visitation rights if they can demonstrate that it is in the child’s best interests. They must file a petition and may need to prove that they have had a significant relationship with the child and that maintaining this relationship is beneficial for the child.
To protect your parenting time and parental rights, it is important to enlist the help of an experienced Las Vegas visitation attorney from the outset. Contact us online now for a legal consultation with a Leavitt Law Firm attorney.
Draft Your Unique Visitation & Parenting Plan Through Mediation
If parties disagree about child custody or visitation, the case may be required to go through the family court's Family Mediation Center. Your visitation agreement discussions will be monitored by a third party. The goal of mediation is to make a visitation agreement or parenting plan that will clearly lay out agreed terms of child custody, including physical and legal custody, as well as visitation issues.
If mediation fails, or if a separating couple cannot make an agreement for visitation, the family court may subject the couple to court intervention. From there, a judge will have wide discretion in making a visitation order. Oftentimes, a court order for visitation fails to take into account all of the factors of your family's unique situation.
Resolve your disputes amicably. Call Leavitt Law Firm now!
With the right legal representation, your parenting time can be preserved. We know that your child has the legal right to enjoy a continuous relationship with both parents. We have more than 30 years of combined legal experience representing thousands of divorce and family law cases in the Las Vegas! When you are dealing with a legal dispute, we can use our extensive experience and knowledge to help your family reach an optimal resolution after a divorce.
In cases of domestic violence or child abuse, we can assess your legal needs and determine the best course of action to help protect your family from harmful influences. We can act swiftly and provide effective legal representation to ensure that your family sees a peaceful resolution so that you can move forward as easily as possible.
Call a Las Vegas family lawyer from Leavitt Law Firm at (702) 996-6052 or contact us online today to get started!

Family Law
Resolve your disputes amicably. Call Leavitt Law Firm now!
With the right legal representation, your parenting time can be preserved. We know that your child has the legal right to enjoy a continuous relationship with both parents. We have more than 30 years of combined legal experience representing thousands of divorce and family law cases in the Las Vegas! When you are dealing with a legal dispute, we can use our extensive experience and knowledge to help your family reach an optimal resolution after a divorce.
In cases of domestic violence or child abuse, we can assess your legal needs and determine the best course of action to help protect your family from harmful influences. We can act swiftly and provide effective legal representation to ensure that your family sees a peaceful resolution so that you can move forward as easily as possible.
Call a Las Vegas family lawyer from Leavitt Law Firm today to get started!

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They were always available to me for questions and advice, my children and I are most grateful for all of their help during this transitional time. They were clear with the law and fought hard so that my family was taken care of and treated fairly.
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