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How Do I End a Domestic Partnership in Nevada?

Before same-sex marriage was legalized in Nevada, and later throughout the United States, domestic partnerships were the only legal option for same-sex couples. While it’s no longer the only option for same-sex couples in Nevada, for many partners, both same-sex couples and heterosexual couples, domestic partnerships are a preferred alternative to marriage. In Nevada, domestic partnerships include many, but not all, of the same benefits as marriage, including:

  • Ability to be included on partner’s health, dental, and vision insurance plans
  • Power to make financial and medical decisions for their partner
  • Visitation rights in hospitals and jails
  • Housing rights
  • Access to parental leave, bereavement leave, sick leave, and adoption benefits
  • Inheritance rights and death benefits, including life insurance

In addition to the benefits listed above, another similarity that domestic partnerships have with marriage is that, unfortunately, sometimes they don’t work out. When that is the case, just like married couples have divorce as an option, couples involved in domestic partnerships have options for ending their unions as well.

Steps for Ending a Domestic Partnership in Nevada

To register as domestic partners in Nevada, a couple must file a Declaration of Domestic Partnership form with the Nevada Secretary of State’s Office. Similarly, to end of domestic partnership in Nevada, one of the steps a couple can take is filing a Termination of Domestic Partnership Decree form with the Secretary of State. However, a couple can only file a Termination of Domestic Partnership Decree form if they meet the following criteria:

If the domestic partnership was entered into over 5 years ago or the partners disagree on any of the terms of their separation, then they must participate in a termination proceeding with the family court to end their domestic partnership.

Need Help Ending a Domestic Partnership in Nevada? Call Our Experienced Family Law Attorneys Today!

For more than 30 years, Leavitt Law Firm has been representing clients facing a wide range of family law issues, including divorce, legal separation, and the end of a domestic partnership. Our experienced family law attorneys are well-respected amongst Nevada’s legal community because of their long history of successfully helping clients avoid legal pitfalls and guiding clients through the process of securing the most favorable outcomes possible to their cases.

To learn more about Leavitt Law Firm, and how we can help you, read our clients’ testimonials.

For more information about ending a domestic partnership in Nevada, including what to expect during a termination proceeding with the family court, call us at (702) 996-6052 or contact us online today to schedule a confidential, no-obligation case evaluation with our experienced domestic partnership attorneys.

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