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Tips for Co-Parenting During the School Year in NV

As we enter the 2021/2022 school year, parents - particularly those involved in custody arrangements - have a lot to adapt to, especially when compared to the 2020/2021 school year. Knowing what adjustments to make can help you ensure that your child thrives this year.

To schedule a consultation with our custody attorneys for your case, contact us online or via phone at (702) 996-6052.

Discuss Childcare Heading into 2021/2022

Most co-parents and children found their schedules radically changed throughout the 2020/2021 school year. With both parents and children working and going to school from home, many co-parents had to adopt completely different childcare schedules.

Now, most children are returning to their classrooms, and many parents are going back to the office. Discuss these changes with your co-parent. You may need to look into after-school care for your child, or arrange a new caretaker if your previous one is no longer available.

Prepare for a Rocky Landing

Throughout 2020/2021, many academic experts raised concerns that students at all levels may have a hard time keeping up with education requirements as a result of the e-learning restrictions imposed on students last year.

There are a few reasons e-learning may negatively impact students:

  • It can be harder to pay attention. Many students struggle to pay attention to teachers when they're at home with endless distractions about, rather than contained to a classroom with their fellow students.
  • It can be less accessible. Depending on the speed of the WiFi in the house and the quality of the student's computer, students may find themselves missing out on lessons or having trouble progressing due to environmental factors and technical difficulties.
  • It can be challenging with students for different learning styles. Some students simply have an easier time learning in the classroom due to their preferred learning style. Students may lack the learning aids and pedagogical help at home that they have at school, introducing new challenges into e-learning.

As a result, many students going back to physical classrooms this year will likely have a harder time re-adjusting to in-classroom learning than they first expected.

Discuss how you want to handle potential academic challenges with your co-parent. Maybe you can work together to fund tutoring for your child? Alternatively, perhaps you can each squeeze in some more time to spend with your child on their homework? Regardless, coming up with a solution if your child is having trouble re-integrating into the school system is a good idea.

Discuss Travel Arrangements

A major point of contention for many co-parents this year will undoubtedly be whether traveling during school breaks - especially via plane - is acceptable or not.

It's worth noting that, as the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus surges across the nation and students return to school, many schools are seeing a high number of COVID cases. With no vaccine for children under the age of 12 currently approved by the FDA (although the CDC says it's working on getting one approved), many parents are concerned that traveling may place their child at undue risk.

You and your co-parent should discuss travel in advance. If you agree that traveling is acceptable, you should also come to terms on what protections should be taken to ensure the safety of the child and parent while traveling. Generally, taking the following precautions may make travel safer:

  • Avoid large airports or connecting flights. Airports don't tend to be the most cleanly at the best of times, so reducing the amount of time spent in them or on large planes is optimal.
  • Wear masks while in public. This is particularly important for young children who are not yet vaccinated.
  • Practice social distancing and good hygiene. As always, regularly sanitizing or washing hands and maintaining social distancing is helpful if you want to reduce the chances of anyone contracting the virus.

Hopefully, these tips can help you and your co-parent effectively acclimate to the 2021/2022 school year and enable your child to thrive.

At Leavitt Law Firm, we'll help you pursue the best outcome in your child custody or support dispute. To schedule a consultation with our team or learn more about our services, contact us online or via phone at (702) 996-6052.

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