Leavitt Law Firm Leavitt Law Firm

A Look Back at Family Law in 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic changed how many industries operated in 2020, and family law was no exception. Today, we're taking some time to explore exactly how family law changed throughout 2020 and what we can expect from the future moving into 2021.

To get help with your family law case from an experienced family lawyer, contact our office online or via phone at (702) 996-6052.

Divorces Actually... Dropped?

At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, divorce experts and lawyers alike predicted an increased divorce rate for 2020 as couples stayed cooped up at home and tens of millions of Americans lost their jobs, resulting in widespread economic instability. An increase in the divorce rate would appear to mirror similar trends in other countries, such as China, where divorce filings spiked after COVID-19 quarantines.

However, as we move out of 2020 and into 2021, it appears that the opposite happened. Data from most states actually indicates a significant decrease in the U.S. divorce rate over 2020, defying expectations. It appears that the reasons many predicted an increase in the divorce rate - more time at home and less money - actually led couples to either postpone divorces until they were more stable, or become closer as partners.

The Legal System Got Updates

The COVID-19 pandemic forced the legal industry, long-criticized for staying stagnant, to move forward with technological updates. Court systems updated their websites, focusing on creating content that made it easier for citizens to navigate their cases. Additionally, courts started holding hearings online, representing a paradigm shift in how citizens, judges, and attorneys alike interfaced with the courtroom.

We're excited to see what 2021 holds in store for family law and our firm. To schedule a consultation with our team for your family law case, contact us online or via phone at (702) 996-6052.

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