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Holiday Tips for Recently Divorced Parents

The holidays are usually stressful enough as it is. Between gift-giving, relatives, and seemingly not enough hours in the day to do everything you need to, it’s easy to become emotionally drained. So if you’ve recently completed a divorce, you can expect that the stress and emotional turmoil levels will likely be even more significant, particularly if you have children. Here are some valuable tips for making the holidays a little easier to navigate.

Remember Your Kids and Keep Them First

The idea of celebrating holidays with two different families may be difficult for your children to get used to, and they may become stressed not knowing what to expect. Not to mention, for your children, their family on both sides is important to them and they may wish to spend significant time with both.

This may take some flexibility and cooperation with your ex, but keeping your kids first can make your whole holiday season seem less stressful and more enjoyable. Don’t manipulate them into spending more time with you over your ex, and try not to pressure them into anything they don’t wish to do.

Give Kids a Say

Similarly, keeping your kids first becomes much easier when you give them a voice and listen to them. Consider what it is that they want to do when making the schedule for the holidays. Coordinate with your spouse to try to make these wishes happen the best you mutually can.

Don’t Compete

Holiday gifts are not a time to compete between spouses for the affection of your children, so don’t attempt to “show-up” your ex with your generosity to your children. Speak with your spouse and coordinate what you want to get them as a gift. This helps to set any budgetary constraints as well as avoid duplicate gifts. This will also help prevent you from spending beyond your means, as financial resources usually tighten up significantly after a divorce completes.

If you are in need of reputable counsel for your divorce, the Las Vegas family lawyers at the Leavitt Law Firm have represented the best interests of Las Vegas residents since 1989. Our team has earned numerous elite distinctions, including a perfect 10.0 Superb rating from Avvo and an A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau. Trust your case to us and let us fight to maintain your best interests in your family law needs.

Contact the Leavitt Law Firm now by dialing 702-996-6052 to schedule an appointment for your consultation!

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