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What To Do If You Are Served Divorce Papers

It can be hard to make rational decisions in the moments immediately following receiving divorce papers. While some couples may see the divorce coming and have time to prepare, others are served papers without warning. If you’re on the receiving end of divorce papers, time is extremely crucial – taking action as soon as possible can help you better protect your rights. In this blog, our Las Vegas divorce attorney explains what you should do if you’ve been served divorce papers.

Take Note of Deadlines

Under Nevada law, you have 20 days to respond to divorce papers. You can file one of three responses: answer to complaint for divorce, answer to the complaint for divorce and counter claim (with children), and answer to complaint for divorce and counterclaim (with no children). If both parties can come to an agreement, a settlement can be filed between the two and present it to the court. If you and your spouse choose to go this route, you’ll still want to retain proper representation to ensure you get what you’re entitled to in the divorce (property division, child support, alimony).

Gather Financial Information

Individuals filing for divorce in the state of Nevada are required to file a Financial Disclosure Form. Eventually, at some point during the divorce process, you and your spouse will need to disclose anything that outlines your economic situation – saving and checking accounts, investments, 401k plans, and credit card statements will all be looked at during the divorce. If you suspect that your spouse is hiding assets in an effort to save them from being divided, you can use the discovery process to uncover them.

If you’ve recently been served a motion for divorce, you should not hesitate to call a dedicated Las Vegas divorce lawyer from Leavitt Law Firm. For more than 25 years, we’ve continuously stood by clients through every step of the divorce process.

Let us be your legal ally. Call Leavitt Law Firm at (702) 996-6052 or contact us online to request your consultation.

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