Leavitt Law Firm Leavitt Law Firm

When It's Time to Switch Divorce Attorneys

If you’re thinking about filing for divorce or are on the receiving end of being served divorce papers, you should not hesitate to put a skilled and experienced divorce attorney on your side. The quality and caliber of the representation you retain, however, is entirely in your power. It’s unfortunate, but oftentimes individuals find themselves moving forward in the process with a legal professional who views clients as “just another case,” rather than a person. In this blog, our Las Vegas divorce lawyer explains when to know it’s time to switch attorneys.

Is your lawyer available?

Although you shouldn’t be incessantly calling your divorce lawyer in the middle of the night with questions regarding your case, you have a right to expect your emails and calls be answered in a timely manner. If you constantly find yourself waiting for days on end to hear back from your attorney, or if you’re being given the run-around by the firm’s paralegal or associates, you may need to reconsider hiring alternate representation.

Is your lawyer organized?

In the absence of organization, it can be very easy for important details pertaining to your case to slip through. Structure is the backbone of building your case, and it is an essential element to successfully navigating through the divorce process.

Is your lawyer punctual?

Being on time to important meetings and hearings shows that you have a high level respect for not only your own time, but the time of those around you. Both you and your attorney should be on time, if not a few minutes early, to every step of the divorce process. If you're showing up for divorce proceedings and are experiencing delays at the hands of your attorney's lack of punctuality, you should find representation that is more in line with what you look for in a legal professoinal.

At Leavitt Law Firm, our Las Vegas divorce attorney possesses the skill and insight to empower you to make the best possible decisions for your case. We don’t believe in wasting time, money, and energy – when you come to our firm, you can be confident that you’ll be given the compassionate legal representation you deserve.

Call Leavitt Law Firm today at (702) 996-6052 or contact us online to request a case evaluation!

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